As of the other day, I’ve been a UNIX or Linux admin for exactly 1/2 my life. That’s 23 years of UNIX or Linux hacking. Can hardly believe it myself. Anyway, in all those eons, I’ve made some predictions. As one would expect, some were spot on, some were close, but not quite, some were … Well … yea, I missed.
Sometimes my friends and co-workers made predictions. One of the more interesting ones was from a co-worker that, after seeing my early iPod, said it would become it’s own platform and blow up like crazy. He nailed that one. Others were laughable like “Apple will be out of business next year” or “Windows will kill everything, even Linux” But I had my many of my own and here are a few of me better predictions and how how wrong, or right, I was.
Anyway, it’s always kind of fun to try and predict the way things are going, even if I’m not always right.